Which Inner Critic Rules Your Mind? Take the Quiz and Find Out!

The little voices inside your head can really get in your way, making you doubt yourself and stopping you from being your best. In this blog, I'll show you the five most common types of inner critics I’ve observed in my 10+ years of coaching and give you a quick quiz to figure out which one is causing you the most trouble.

Meet the Critics

  1. The Perfectionist Paralyzer

Inner Monologue: "It's not good enough. You're not good enough."

The Perfectionist Paralyzer sets impossibly high standards for yourself. It convinces you that anything less than perfection is a failure. But remember, imperfection is not the enemy; it's a stepping stone to progress. Embrace the lessons learned from your mistakes.

2. The Comparing Critic

Inner Monologue: "Look at them; they're doing better."

This critic is constantly comparing you to others, highlighting your perceived shortcomings. However, your journey is unique, and comparisons only dim your light. Focus on your progress, not others, and you'll realize how far you've come.

3. The Imposter Impersonator

Inner Monologue: "You'll be found out as a fraud."

The Imposter Impersonator convinces you that your achievements are mere luck or that you don't deserve success. Recognize your accomplishments as your own hard-earned victories, and let go of the fear of being exposed as a fraud.

4. The Fearful Futurist

Inner Monologue: "What if it all goes wrong?"

This critic thrives on anxiety about the future, feeding your doubts and fears. Practising mindfulness can help you return to the present moment, where you can take action instead of worrying about the unknown.

5. The Overwhelmed Overthinker

Inner Monologue: "There's just too much to do."

The Overwhelmed Overthinker clouds your mind with a never-ending to-do list, paralyzing you. To conquer this critic, prioritize your tasks and break them into manageable steps. Celebrate each small victory along the way, no matter how minor.

Discover Your Dominant Inner Critic

Now that you've met these five inner critics, it's time to uncover which is most familiar. Take my simple quiz to identify your dominant inner critic:

When you make a mistake, what do you think?

  • a) "It's a catastrophe. I can't believe I messed up."

  • b) "I wonder what everyone else thinks of my mistake."

  • c) "I knew I was going to mess up eventually."

  • d) "I can't stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong."

  • e) "I can't even start; there's too much to do."

How do you feel when you see others succeed?

  • a) Jealous and self-critical.

  • b) Inadequate and envious.

  • c) Like a fraud who's not as capable.

  • d) Worried about your future.

  • e) Overwhelmed by everything you need to do.

Which of these statements resonates with you the most?

  • a) "I must be perfect to be successful."

  • b) "I'm not as good as others in my field."

  • c) "I don't deserve my accomplishments."

  • d) "I'm constantly anxious about the future."

  • e) "I can never keep up with my to-do list."

Tally up your answers, and see which letter corresponds to your dominant inner critic:

  • Mainly A's: You're often guided by the Perfectionist Paralyzer.

  • Mostly B's: The Comparing Critic tends to hold you back.

  • Mostly C's: You're closely acquainted with the Imposter Impersonator.

  • Mostly D's: Your dominant critic is the Fearful Futurist.

  • Mostly E's: You're frequently overshadowed by the Overwhelmed Overthinker.

As a coach, I help my clients strike a balance. We work on taming and quietening that inner critic so it doesn’t hold you back from taking well-calculated risks and reaching your full potential, and we work on helping you to change your relationship with things that feel scary and stressful.

In my 10+ years as a life and executive coach, I’ve worked with thousands of women who have felt insecure and full of doubt and anxiety. But before working with me, my clients wondered if changing was possible! The whole idea of beating their inner critic seemed like a distant dream. They found themselves trapped in a loop of constant work-related overthinking, making it challenging to unwind. Confidence was in short supply, and they lacked a solid strategy to guide them past their challenges.

Using my signature methodology and confidence-building formula (and a hefty dose of humour), my clients have successfully overcome their fear of speaking up in meetings, negotiated that pay rise, go for that promotion, found clarity on their next steps, conquered imposter syndrome, and so much more.

If you're wrestling with the relentless demands of your inner critic at work, constantly scrutinising every detail and harbouring fears of inadequacy, check out my signature coaching program, Career Confidence and Clarity. This programme is crafted to guide you in conquering the inner perfectionist and ditching self-doubt. I will provide practical strategies to alleviate the pressure, boost your self-assurance, and showcase your capabilities. By mastering these techniques, you'll be well-equipped to navigate workplace challenges with a newfound calm, ultimately enhancing your performance and fostering success in your professional pursuits.


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